Accelerated & Aligned

It’s time to unlock trillions.

Identity done right. Learn how Concordium’s ID solution stacks up as the perfect solution for upgrading society around you.


is the true force


Accelerated & Aligned is a new Builder Incentives Program, laser focused on tackling the most pressing society updates that only Concordium can tackle.


the real world bridge

compliant DeFi

network states

Concordium does what others can’t

Uniquely Positioned To Unlock Trillions

Concordium’s ID Solutions open up the entire World.

the real world bridge unlockING trillions for humanity.

Apply as a builder, organization or team

€1.5 mil

In grants awarded


projects building


institutional partners

top 10

in development activity growth

ready for real world integration

A full suite of tools to help builders create civilisational level change.

identity interface

Deeply secure and compliant identity solutions act as the foundations of Concordium. A set of ZK identities, highly flexible and customisable to fit the pressing needs of society.

Learn how you can leverage identity


Be always in the know, whether its an individual or an entity, trust that they're real and you know who they are (even without knowing who they are).



Concordium offers a set of primitives perfect for building a Network State or otherwise. Communities, supercharged.


compliant defi

The offchain market is bigger than the Onchain. Concordium allows decentralised apps to tap into the real world markets, complying with local laws.


submit your application

get your initial

get your decision

get your acceleration capital and support

its time to scale on concordium

1. submit your application

2. get your initial

3. get your decision

4. get your acceleration capital and support

5. its time to scale on concordium

Hear from current builders

"Provenance Tags proudly builds on Concordium, a top 10 Layer 1 blockchain renowned for its comprehensive ID layer. Our platform,, utilizes this unique ID framework to link real-world products to their manufacturers, ensuring both authenticity and transparency. By integrating high-quality IoT data on-chain, we offer a comprehensive service ideal for applications such as Digital Product Passports, in compliance with upcoming EU legislation. The Concordium team has been instrumental in providing essential contacts and support during the formative years of Provenance Tags and continues to assist with potential ecosystem partnerships and collaborations, which would not have been possible if we acted alone"

Niels Sørensen

Founder of Provenance Tags

Hear from current builders

"Partnering with Concordium has been transformative for DjookyX. Their support went beyond our expectations —offering us a platform to scale our vision and a network of industry experts to guide us. The strategic advice we received has been crucial in bringing our innovative marketplace for song royalty rights to life. Thanks to Concordium, we have not only advanced our technology but also expanded our reach in the Web3 space. We look forward to further collaboration and growth with their continued support."

Andrey Dakhovskyy

CEO & Founder of Djooky

Hear from current builders

“The close, direct dialogue with the Concordium Foundation team throughout the grant program and development phase has exceeded our expectations. Partnering with Concordium while implementing open-source technology has been invaluable. The platform’s top-tier engineering quality reassures us that other companies will soon recognize the critical importance of adopting blockchain technology that meets today’s complex financial and legal requirements.”

Paul Pöltner

CEO of SimplyTokenized

Hear from current builders

“Concordium’s robust tech stack, comprehensive SDKs, and clear documentation empower us to concentrate on core innovations while developing agile, compliance-enforcing solutions that meet legal standards. The Foundation's support throughout our development process exemplifies the collaborative spirit of the ecosystem. We are dedicated to leveraging blockchain to address real-world issues for those in need, and we are grateful to have Concordium as a trusted partner.”

Satheesh Paddolker

Founder & CEO of Kratos Innovation Labs & Ahan.

Hear from current builders

“Concordium's advanced blockchain technology has empowered us to implement decentralized consent and data ownership as well as single sign-on with DID-based age and country verification seamlessly. Leveraging indirect zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) our solutions are secure and privacy-compliant, offering unparalleled user authentication while maintaining confidentiality and decentralized data ownership. We look forward to continued focus on innovative ID based solutions with Concordium's support.”

Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen

Creator of AesirX